Fear of Failure is Worst than Failure It ...

Fear of Failure is Worst than Failure Itself

Jul 11, 2023

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

Paulo Coelho (Author of the best selling book Alchemist)

Here Paulo Coelho wants to convey that we should not give in to our fears.

He further postulates that "on our journey to (life of) dreams we must be ready to face oasis and desserts but whatever there is (oasis or desert) it should not stop us.

In other words, in life we all go through or have to face different situations and experiences. Some of these experiences are good or positive, while some are not so good or unpleasant. Some are successes, and some are failures. But what we must keep in mind is that failure is not our loss. On the contrary, it is part of success.

If we do not fail or make no mistakes, we never learn, and if we do not learn, we can never change and thus will never improve. Thus making mistakes is an essential part of learning. Failure or errors must be expected along the journey to achieve our goals in life, and be used as a feedback or even as stepping stones.

However, as a vulnerable and sensitive humans we often feel embarrassed about our failures. It is because we feel that we will be judged, criticized, and condemned by other people. But we shouldn’t let others’ opinions affect our ambitions or performance. What other people think or say in none of our business. The most stupid thing you would ever do is to believe someone else's opinion of you.

Moreover, it is also true that everyone fails because failures are part of success and nobody is born successful. Everyone has to make an effort to become successful, but as there is no ready-made formula or single prescription for success, everyone makes mistakes before becoming successful or achievement of their goals.

There is a quote that says that if you have never failed, you have never tried.

Thus losers are not those who have never failed but those who have never tried or just gave up after some failures.

Most impressive or glaring example is that of Thomas Elva Edison who is said to have been fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive” and afterwards, as an inventor, created many many (between 1000 to 10,000 according to different estimates) failed prototypes of his electric bulb before succeeding.

Thus failure is not the opposite of success but initial steps towards success.

However, repeating the mistakes will make the matters worse. What is important is that you must learn from your mistakes to be successful, otherwise you will keep moving in circles. For further insights you can read another article of mine:


I would like to end with following wonderful quote:

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