Engineer. Designer. Explorer.

Engineer. Designer. Explorer.

Nov 04, 2021

Photo: The Himalayas captured from Pahalgam, Kashmir - 12th October 2021

Hi there!

I'm Aishwarya Gupta, a 21-year-old engineer-turned designer based in Bangalore, India, with a thriving passion for creating seamless user interactions by bridging the gap between technology and design. My work as an explorer and an artist reflects my love for indie-country music.

During the last leg of university, I interned at a product-based company where I was given an opportunity to design and build an entire product feature from scratch. I tried to reconcile how I could find myself so equally interested in science & technology and arts, two seemingly competing disciplines. But what I ultimately realized was that they both satisfied my innate desire to explore. As science is the quest to understand the natural world around us, and technology is a path to create beautiful, timeless experiences, art is similar in its attempts to explore internally and understand the complexity of the human experience. What bound me to both of them was my unquenchable curiosity and desire to explore.

Apart from my keen desire to explore the depths of science and technology, you can also find me wandering around the vast wilderness.

Stay tuned! Cheers

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