Speckled Plastics 3.0 [ WIP ]

Speckled Plastics 3.0 [ WIP ]

Dec 17, 2021

Spent the past week on developing the next commercial project in the HEXES series that I'm hoping to complete and release early in the new year. Also (finally) set aside the time to update the Speckled Plastic shader to align with Blender's recent upgrade.

It offered a change to dive back into the nodes and remove some stuff that was no longer serving, as well a make additions - such as the Ombré variant (middle row) which is basically adding a duotone gradient to the main body colour.

The Iridescent variant (bottom row) has also had an upgrade which has led to a more mesmerizing result, especially when playing with complementary outer colours.

Shaders are completed and I'm currently working on the first of 3 (or so) showcase projects to show the shader in action.

I've learned a fair amount working on this collection and interested to see what the new variant(s) will take the form of in future updates.

More details when everything is uploaded and live.


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