I am Adontai Mason, and since January of 2022 my life has been enveloped by darkness an suffering in the form of homelessness, depression and unemployment. I have managed to make my way out of being homeless and for a short period of time (3 months) had found a rather decent job however due to having unpaid student loans and the job being as a student loan counselor with Wipro; I was unable to pass federal clearance and found myself unemployed again.
This caused me to lose the room I had just secured and wound up homeless for a second time until June of this year. In June I was able to find an apartment and assistance from Epic Health with a rental voucher and thought I was finally getting ready to close the book on that part of my life. Only to now find myself dealing with a landlord who rented out an apartment to me that has a failing septic system and unsanitary and even though he was receiving rental payments through the voucher program is forcefully evicting me and am forced to do my best to defend myself in court in order to avoid losing the my ability to use the vouchers and security deposit to secure another place to live.
While I am actively still looking for work I am also trying to balance legal issues, mounting debt, a deepening depression, hiv related complications, and all the other daily challenges that we all encounter as we do our best to navigate through life.
My purpose for creating this Buy Me a Coffee account is to potentially create a source of funding to help alleviate some of the financial burden and some basics like food and toiletries. If you find it within your heart and desire to do so I hope you will be kind enough to buy me a coffee.