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Apr 24, 2021

What is
torrent movies 100 is a free site-sharing platform that serves visitors the best of entertainment and understands users' needs. There is no limit, everything is free. We do not only provide the best entertainment but also knowledge sharing without limitation!

Why did I want to create torrentmovies100?
It all started with passion. What I love the most is striving for excellence. I have access to many entertainment sites, but they focus only on entertainment without giving any knowledge or information to the visitors. So I decided to create my own solution. Torrentmovies100 was born.

Operating Costs
The infrastructure costs for torrent is very high.
I have to pay for dozens of servers, dozens of data to share, a bandwidth capacity from Hostgator. I pay these costs on my own, which is why I need all the help from the community to make this infrastructure more stable and powerful.

By supporting me in buying a coffee, you have highly appreciated and very much thanks from me the most! With your support, I can continue to stay firmly with my site. 🥺

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