This is the first monthly update I post here. There might be a lot of things to explain about my project, but that will be in future posts.
For now, here's the update I copied from World Anvil.
April was a rollercoaster.
What I've been
My writing was slowed down due to the house crisis I've been facing since last year, and I couldn't focus anything but thinking about a stable income, and I'm currently unemployed. To make things worse, my only income that is Ko‑fi was suddenly blocked which I have just fixed as I wrote this.
Despite that, I had a wonderful Songkran Day - the summer water-splashing festival! It washed away my doubt, and I've never been so fresh in many years!...
Until the bills came.
In Worldbuilding Side
During the Adventure April 2024, I wrote the first story that wasn't plot summaries based on Terraloga, but instead of having a linear storyline, it's a branching storyline,
That's right. I wrote a replayable interactive story for the challenge! it's called To Rid The Iron Trade.
I've promoted it before but I'd like to promote it again because I loved it, and probably you too!
I also wrote one article about the former frontier town of Valonia Empire, Sartonia.
May Plan
Last month, my mother challenged me to pay our house's electric bill entirely, so I want to focus on turning my world-building projects into something other than writing. I'm so excited to see how many things I can do this month!
If you want to support me please consider tipping me here
Writing Krin-Valonian Patheon
Doing more arts
(Maybe) Youtube stuff
Be more productive
Best Wishes