Love is in the Air or Happy Valentine’s ...

Love is in the Air or Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

Feb 14, 2022

We, the Inner Circle of the Society of Lust, wish you a lovely Valentine’s Day and hope that you and your loved ones are all fine!

Stay embraced in love and friendship, dear friends.

Recently, when AbyssalEros was working on an image for Valentine’s Day, he learned about a contest where the image perfectly fitted into it, and so he eventually entered it for the monthly community contest of the DA group, The 3D Assembly. You can see this image (a slightly differently colored version of this post’s image) on his DeviantArt page.

However, to not only give you on this lovely day a red version of the original image, he also created another one, called “Holding Love,” and a pantyless version of the above artwork.

As a patron of ours, you can find those additional images in both color versions along with the original one as high-resolution downloads within a patrons-only post.

Society of Love

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