African delicacies

Aug 02, 2024

Growing up as an African I learn how to prepare a variety of African delicacies,I learned how to cultivate them,I learned how to enjoy them as a delicious delicacy.

Reasons being that there' are so natural free from artificial preservation, free from artificial production, free from other chemicalised mixtures.

Because of These reasons I feel safe and secure to enjoy every plate of meal being served or provided.

I have no fears because my health will not be affected by chemicalised food that may give me running stomach,diemities and many others,

You can bear weakness with me some illnesses are being caused by excessive consumption of chemicals or chemicalised products,as a result of natural plantains, plum's, maize and other diets cultivated and prepared in my community which gives me a mind set of conscious food consumption it gives me more appetite to eat because we don't eat food just for eating sake but we eat food that is safe and nutritive for humans consumption.

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