Which is better? $12,000 lump sum invested all at once OR $100/mo. invested across 120 months?
Ibbotson Associates determined that if someone invested $12,000 in January 1929, by 1939 they only would have had $7,223 left.
If instead, that person invested $100 per month during that same time period (one of the WORST bear markets of all time), they would have had $15,571!
There’s a lot of chatter right now about the stock market being up, down & sideways.
It’s hard to keep your head straight with all of the noise. It can be downright nerve-wracking if you’re trying to time a market “bottom” or worried about missing out on rocket-like growth into a new bull market.
Here’s where a little something known as DCA can give you both peace of mind & an edge over frantic-minded investors.
This practice of investing steadily over time is called “Dollar Cost Averaging” (DCA) or as Benjamin Graham, the author of ‘The Intelligent Investor’, calls it:
“Filling in the Potholes”
Here’s how to make it work for you:
1. Determine what your financial goals are
2. Determine how much you can afford to invest on a regular basis
3. Set up a schedule to ensure you contribute that $$$ amount consistently in a diversified portfolio
4. Consider working with a financial advisor to help you reach those goals with risk tolerable for your unique financial situation & goals