About Coach Beard Jr. (VCN)
writing songs | Coding | Listening to Music
Hello all, I am Vijay 'H'CN
I am a enthusiast Web Developer | Cyber Security learner
Apart from these,
I am just a common kid with a lots of interest to try out new and different thing.(synonym for ADHD😊)
I love to write songs about the emotions and the present nature of the peaceful nature around me.
Hey 👋 I just created a page here. You can now buy me a coffee!
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Recently i am going through Network and Security in Python book and wanted to write and test the scripts myself. Along the way I wanted to learn and code using Vim editor. So my target is this 1. Continue learning Vim - there is a great tutorial by fireship (search for "fireship vim tutorial") in youtube I am not giving any details/tricks about Vim, that video explain better than me. 2. I want to ...
Python learning on Steriods
Mar 25, 2024
GRUB Intro A boot loader is one of the most important components of Linux operating systems boot process ## Grand Unified Bootloader(GRUB) The boot process on Linux is a series of activities that occur from the time you press the power on button on your PC until the login screen appears Stages of boot process There are four main stages in the boot process 1. BIOS 1. mainly responsible for loading ...
What is GRUB | The thing you see while booting up kali VM
Sep 09, 2023
Join the tryhackme room here Watch the walkthrough video from youtube here or continue along this post. The first thing we do once we get a target is do the nmap and gobuster scan You can use any tools that does the job for these things, which is check how many posts are open and what types of ports are these and what are the directory urls that we can see from the given ip address or target machi...
TheCyberCTF 0x19 Walkthrough
Mar 26, 2023