The Inspiring Story of Jim Elliot

The Inspiring Story of Jim Elliot

Aug 02, 2021



In the  book of Matthew 22:14, it is written, “For many are called, but few are chosen"

God calls everyone to spread the word of God, but few are chosen. There are only a few people who answer the calling of God to go in a foreign country to spread the word of God.  Those people are called Missionaries. Jim Elliot was one of the famous american missionaries. He was born on October 08, 1927. At the age of six, Elliot’s faith was professed in Jesus, and he grew up in a loving family where obedience and honesty were applied. Jim Elliot was a committed evangelical christian missionary. He came from a christian family that made his faith devoted to Jesus Christ. During his childhood, he was taught about many things, especially the love of Jesus Christ. 

At a young age, missions began to stir Jim’s heart, and he dreamt of reaching people who had never heard of Jesus before (Pena 2021). Jim longed to share the gospel (teaching or revelation of Christ) to the people who don’t know Jesus Christ. Later on, Jim met Elisabeth during his college life. Since they both loved God before they met, they realized they were captivated by each other as they got to know one another. Jim, on the other hand, believed that he would have to remain single as a missionary for at least five years. Elisabeth was disappointed, but she felt that if it was God's will, He would bring them together. They married in 1953 after five years of seeking God's direction for their lives.

Based on Bethany Global University, Jim and Elisabeth Elliot are two of the greatest missionaries in history. 

As a Missionary, Jim really wanted to tell everyone about Jesus until he found out about the situation of Auca Tribes, and he wanted to tell the aggressive tribe about Jesus. Jim had a strong desire to see the Aucas, but they lived deep in the bush, and no one knew where their village was. Auca Tribes were an isolated tribe recognized for their brutality,  they had sharp items used against their own people as well as outsiders who entered inside their territory. Jim made up a group with four members,they were  Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. Their team was named "Operation to Auca." Their mission was to reach the Huarani people also known as Aucas in the rainforest of Ecuador.

At first, their mission was okay. They had a chance to talk to some tribes without even knowing that they would be betrayed. Naenkiwi was one of the tribes who betrayed the missionaries. One day, the missionaries decided to go check whether the aggressive Aucas might welcome them to their village on January 8, 1956. Sadly, instead of  having a worship service on the beach, the five missionaries were killed by the Auca Tribes.

Their wives then attempted not to be alarmed because the five missionaries did not notify them. Not until a rescue crew was dispatched. They discovered the missionaries' bodies. Their plane, as well as the other items they carried, were destroyed. Their wives wept for their husbands, and the five missionaries' story was aired all over the world.

But God moves in mysterious ways. Jim Elliot along with the other missionaries died but their wives continued their dream as missionaries. 

The five missionaries were slain by the Auca Tribes, but later on, God captured their hearts. The tribes were forgiven, and they received Jesus as their personal savior. It's because of Dayuma, a member of the auca tribe who escaped her tribe after her family was killed. Dayuma taught Elisabeth Elliot her language, and two years later, Elisabeth returned to the Auca Tribes and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. The word gospel means “good news,” so the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe.

According to Jaim Saint, there are many aucas who were converted to Christians and they became followers of Jesus Christ.

The missionaries' lives display a thorough commitment to Christ and the gospel message. Many have been motivated by their stories of perseverance, suffering, and even death to go to unreached peoples.

I am one of the people who was inspired by the story of Jim Elliot. I’ve asked myself what I can sacrifice for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How much I love Him? 

When I asked if anyone knew Jim Elliot, a teenager in our church named Colin Rillon answered, "Yes, I know him." After that, I asked him if Jim had inspired him, and he boldly said, "Yes!" He was courageous, and it was undeniable that the Holy Spirit had been at work in his life.  And because of his legacy, I am blessed.”

“Jim Elliot was called a martyred missionary along with the four missionaries because they were killed longing to share the gospel, and their stories kept on inspiring a lot of Christians nowadays. They were one of the inspirations and encouragement of many missionaries in our world today.” That is the answer of my Christian friend, named Kenneth De Leon the moment I’ve asked him about the martyrdom of Jim Elliot.

Being a follower of Christ is not easy. There are many obstacles and challenges along the way. Trusting God requires faith. Perhaps, we are not all called for a mission in a foreign country, but God can change our life as long as we’re working with our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We can still share the gospel of Christ without going to foreign countries by testifying Christ’ love in the way we live.

Imagine the faith of the missionaries, it brought hope to the lives of the tribes by receiving salvation coming from Jesus Christ. How about you, what your faith can do?

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