Hi all! So many people asked me for an account to donate, that I finally gave in and created this #BuyMeACoffee account.
I'm happy sharing the templates I create for free on SlidesMania, but if you really want to, now you can support my work by buying me a coffee.
Thank you!
Paula.- (the gal behind SlidesMania)
Recent supporters

Efsevia Kyrikaki bought a coffee.
Thank you! You made my work so much
easier and my presenation much more fun!

Gina Spears bought a coffee.
I love love love your slides! Thanks so much for your swift reply today!

Alicia W. bought 3 coffees.
This is a great website, you have something for everyone from the serious to the playful! I am so happy that I stumbled upon your site during my search. Thanks Again!

Kelly Rojahn bought 3 coffees.
Thank you so much for the planner!!!!

Ann bought a coffee.
Thanks for sharing this! Students enjoyed it.