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Much Needed Break!

Much Needed Break!

May 26, 2021

Good evening friends!

I hope you are all very well this evening and doing fine and dandy wherever you are! I have decided to take a bit of a break from the gaming/YouTube community for a week or two. I have been non-stop at the YT game now for 14 months with never more than a day or twos break at a time. Due to my mental health issues, I become very obsessive over things and then the thing that I became obsessed with becomes something I no longer enjoy and I am in the YT game for the long haul. I have spent 15 years trying to understand my condition and work to the cues that my body, and brain are telling me.

I sat down to play some Skyrim the other day and sat in front of my PS4 and just' cried my eyes out. I have 5 games currently installed and did not want to play a single one. That’s not ok and if it were one of the many creators I know came to me and told me the same thing. My advice would be to take a well needed break, have a think and come back to it later. So, I think I need to follow my own advice.

On a much more positive note, my weight loss and exercise routine are going well. I have lost a considerable amount over the first couple of weeks. I am 12lbs down!!! Now this seems like a high number for a short time, but a lot of the weight is excess water weight that is shed by exercising. This happened to me before when I lost 6 stones previously. I am pleased my thinking has changed with food and I now find myself no longer wanting to eat the bad foods or gorging to give me comfort. I am making some really nice dinners though lol.

I hope you will forgive my break? I am working on a couple of things when the mood takes me. I have given up on F1 2020 Career Modes as the new game is released on the 16th of July so I might as well wait and do something a bit different with what remains of my time playing F1 2020. I have a 100% GP distance recorded and ready to be edited I'm just thinking about the best way to present it as it is 1.36hrs long. It’s a great race though!

I will leave you with that. Looking forward to being around again and I really hope you all have a great couple of weeks.


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