It became obvious that people would just like to thank me for the community work that I do. I don't generally ask for any payment but given I'm self-employed, a tip here and there keeps the tax man away!
It won't let me change the verb of 'buy', but here you can tip me for the work that I do. You're not buying me anything tangible, you're simply tipping me for whatever advice I gave you or for anything you want to say thank you for.
It's classed like a drink because it's what the cost of that drink would be that you'd normally spend but instead of it going into a bar or pub till it's coming to me instead.
You can see my blogs on www.rmgirl.co.uk/blog
Records Management (RM) is not just about filing! RM is concerned with the effective control, governance and use of information and records. Good RM assists business delivery and decision-making at all levels of an organisation, as well as facilitating both compliance and cost and efficiency gains. Good RM organises the information it creates and transforms it into a corporate asset by ensuring that its value is recognised, its information processes are automated and that all relevant risks are identified, mitigated and managed.
RMGirl Consulting can help you with your records management:
- Going ‘paperless’ and reducing your storage requirements.- Back scanning of records, ensuring integrity. In addition, helping you to conform with BS10008:2014 (legal admissibility and evidential weight of records).
- Advising on retention periods for records.
- Transferring records to a place of deposit or archive for preservation.
- Offsite storage tendering processes and contracts.
- Designing storage layouts for best use of space on-site, in addition to PD5454 compliance.
- O365 & SharePoint records management set-up. We help you to store your information in an easy to use and efficient manner.
- Systems training for end-users from the ‘tech-phobic’ to the ‘tech-mature’. We make sure they’re comfortable with your software.
- Compliance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK)
- Designing and implementing business policies for your business.
- Information risk and heat maps, including mitigation.
- Information asset audits, and determining the information asset owners and coordinators within your business.
- Handling sensitive data. This includes commercial, legal advice, personal data, management and policy data.
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