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Bible Verse of The Day - 9-7-22

Bible Verse of The Day - 9-7-22

Sep 07, 2022

Romans 6:16 (NKJV) 16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

In keeping with the topic of Monday’s devotional, let’s take a look at some more verses in chapter 6 of Romans.

On Monday we established that God’s grace, and Christ’s redemption set us free from our old selves and the sin that bound us. We also confirmed that His grace toward us is not a license to willfully, habitually sin.

This is not to say or insinuate that we will no longer sin. But that we are no longer slaves to sin. He has empowered us to break free from those things that held us in bondage.

In the verse above, Paul tells us that we are slaves to whatever we present ourselves to.

More plainly stated, we become slaves to whatever we choose to obey.

We can be slaves to sin, or we can be slaves to righteousness.

Additionally, Paul very boldly tells us that being a slave to sin will lead to death. Whereas obeying God leads to righteous living.

Some may try to complicate this, but in reality, it is very simple; obey and have life, or disobey and choose death.

Repeated willful sin will lead us away from God and toward spiritual death (separation from God).

Submission and obedience to God, on the other hand, will lead us to righteous living a closer walk with God, our Creator.

Only we can choose which path we will walk.

Let us choose wisely. Amen.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

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