About Mr Smith's Physics online
creating totally FREE Physics videos to help you in your studies
Thank you for taking a look at my page!
I have been producing ad-free videos on YouTube since 2016 and I intend to keep it that way so that you can get on with your studies without interruption.
I do have running costs though - hosting the website costs money as does the software I use to create the videos, not to mention the equipment I use to film and edit them.
I would LOVE you to support the channel so that I can continue to make high quality Physics videos for you. I'd also like to make support notes and practice questions available, keeping them free as well so that I can help as many people as possible.
I am grateful for any contributions via Buy Me A Coffee.
Recent supporters

Meghana and Bhavya bought 3 coffees.

Dr Richard Taylor bought 3 coffees.
I've started up as a business and am looking to help S4 pupils who are studying for this year's National 5 exam in May. I've been developing some resources which will help me teach on Zoom and am looking forward to teaching my first lesson. For more details, email me at tutoring@physics-podcast.co.uk
Now tutoring on Zoom!
Mar 28, 2022