I started and maintain Phoniebox open source and not-for-profit. Other than that I am a free-lance developer who currently also works in a locked psychiatric ward.
Welcome. I built this "buy me a coffee page" page almost two years after I started and maintain the Phoniebox on github.
Phoniebox is a contactless jukebox for the Raspberry Pi, playing audio files, playlists, podcasts, web streams and spotify triggered by RFID cards. All plug and play via USB, no soldering iron needed. Update: if you must, it now also features a howto for adding GPIO buttons controls.
Over the past months, community members asked me how they could "buy me a coffee" because many could not contribute code but wanted to give back.
If you like my content, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!
The Phoniebox code and wiki: https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID
The official website in English: http://phoniebox.de
And you can find the German version here.
Follow me on Twitter @miczflor
Recent supporters

Andras Nemes bought 5 coffees.

Lionel bought 5 coffees.
Thanks for your work on the phoniebox! My 2 years old little girl loves her box. It was a nice Xmas present to her and a cool project for me.

Christoph bought 3 coffees.

Someone bought a coffee.

Kevin bought 4 coffees.
Thanks for everything you have done and keep on doing (incl. the great support on GitHub!)