Huge loading speed improvement in all sections of the website.
Added ultralight, unobtrusive and movable GDPR Cookie notice in place of the static cookie message in the page footer. Click once, dispose forever.
Added colorful background image to increase the accessibilty on systems where the navigation bars are hidden automatically.
The main navigation bar now shows a tooltip when hovering on the already active section name.
User-friendly error pages for all possible network errors.
Search Engine:
Better categorization of all searchable resources.
The Share button under each database entry now has an autofocus mechanic for easier usage on systems where pasting with the middle mouse button is possible (Linux/Unix).
The icons shown in the search results now have dynamic tooltips, in addition to the Legend.
Options page:
Added a section dedicated to privacy called Privacy Center.
The Forget Me functionality now also resets all cookie-related authorizations.
Improved the contrast of some lists for better accessibility.
Directory page:
The help system now offers real-time feedback.
About page:
Added licensing guide and cheatsheet.
The Contact subsection now supports PGP (OpenPGP/GPG).
Added section dedicated to volunteering.
The interactive section headers now have a feedback effect for both mouse and keyboard interactions.
The Advanced buttons now have a feedback effect for both mouse and keyboard interactions.
The charts of the Advanced subsections are now much lighter on memory usage.
The Karma slider in the tutorial now offers feedback in real-time.
The RSS usage history of each token now uses UTC dates.
The RSS usage history of each token is now styled when viewed in a web browser.
Each line of the RSS usage history of each token now shows the name of the targeted resource.
Fix. the Scroll To Top functionality being proposed when not needed on some screen resolutions.
Fix. missing security attributes on some trusted CDNs.
Fix. missing security attributes on some trusted outgoing links.
Fix. logs not being deleted immediately after a token is deleted.
Fix. occasional loading delays on the Homepage.
Fix. uneven tile sizes in the Options page.
Fix. misalignment of the Show Entry buttons in the token usage page.