I'm proud to announce that the new version 310123.116 is online. This is a huge release with lots of improvements for all visitors and some new features.
New website section: Queues.
New website subsection: Irregular Queue, open to contributes by visitors.
New website subsection: Security Blacklist.
All sections and subsections now have their dedicated icons.
Improve the image loading speed on slow or low-bandwith connections.
Improve the font loading speed on slow or low-bandwith connections.
Graphic improvements for the footer, the Pagination widget and the search box.
Some images now show a golden halo on certain platforms.
Added icons in the Filter menu.
Search Engine:
Improved search algorithm: empty or half-empty results pages will now be automatically filled with alternative high-quality resources.
Improved search security: resources with bogus or dangerous homepages are now excluded from the search results and managed in a dedicated public queue.
Support for SPDX license names: optional SPDX-compliant mode with dedicated on/off switch.
Common license logos and SPDX animated logos, with interactive explanations.
Automatic detection of all common code/documentation hosting platforms:
MediaWiki and Wikipedia;
Google and Google Chrome Store;
Mozilla Firefox Store;
Git, VCS, ...;
Smarter usage of computational resources for visitors with low-end machines.
Mini-icons for all Use Cases and Platforms (UNIX, NT, Android, Mac, BSD, ...).
The Share widget now supports mobile devices.
Directory page:
Mobile-ready layout: the Directory now supports very small screens.
Dedicated icons for each Use Case and System (Linux, Windows, OS X, MacOS, Android, ...).
Better search algorithm: all queries now show more search results.
Better categorization algorithm: shows less categories, produces better results.
Better accessibility for all Directory search results.
Privacy page:
New feature: show locally stored settings values.
Accessibility page:
New site-wide accessibility feature: Autofocus.
About page:
The in-depth information button is now more accessible.
The in-depth information dialog is now more accessible.
Improved the loading speed of all QR codes.
Loading spinner for slow connections.
Smoother animations on all devices.
Home: prevent the accidental dragging/selection of the Filter menu.
SERP: fix overlapping statistics/share borders.
SERP: fault-tollerant handling of missing entry details.