Miracle Drink - Green Tea

Miracle Drink - Green Tea

Mar 21, 2021


Green tea is a super food, and people need to start treating it that way. Diet or not green tea has some amazing benefits, but when paired with a low-carb lifestyle green tea is a miracle!

The benefits of green tea include:

  • Improves energy (it has about half the caffeine of a cup of coffee without the crash)

  • Contains antioxidants

  • Boosts metabolism

  • Helps control blood sugar

If you've got a chance to read my Beginner Guide to Keto ebook (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Lazyketoneek/e/6774) then you know how green tea was the base of my diet. I drank it with every meal, whether it was hot or cold. I flavored it with some lemon and sweetened it with stevia. Before knowing the full benefits on green tea, I only drank it because I needed something other than water to drink.

I was on keto for about 5 weeks before I started to encorporating intermitted fasting (IF). I started to fast and only ate one meal a day (OMAD). I was so tired of drinking water during my fasting periods. I needed something else to get me though. Thats when I started to realize that I was less hungry during the day, I burned more fat than I had before and my energy had increased. This is where I could go wrong. I made sure to fill my day with my miracle drink.

I owe a lot of my weight loss to green tea, though it has to be paired with a good diet for it to aide dramtically in weight loss, anyone can consume green tea and reap the benefits.

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