The Makerian Calendar is the dominant time-keeping system on Oraspire, adopted by nearly all nations of the world. It has 9 months with 30 days each. The length of the month is based on the phases of Oraspire's two moons, Mayko, and Selestra. Each month Selestra, the smaller of the two, goes through two full phase cycles, and Mayko, also called the "big sister" completes one.
Every day is 30 hours long. Every hour is 60 minutes long, and each minute is 60 seconds long. The calendar actually does not subdivide each month into weeks, though it is a proposed change that sees limited support from time to time.
The months are named after the Ancient Makerian name for the chief constellation visible in the night sky from the Valley of Makeria. Each month also has an elemental association to line up with the nine types of magic.
The three seasons were named by Akumrathenen, the first Makerian Rize Emperor as he tried to encapsulate how the seasons made him feel in poetry.
Aeyna (Spring)-Meaning “Rise Anew”
Aomoya - First Month, Named after the Sacred Lantern. Embodies the Tone element.
Besenra - Second Month, Named after the Great Oak. Embodies the Wild element.
Triana - Third Month, Named after the Leaping Dancer. Embodies the Storm element.
Solstas (Summer)-Meaning “Long Sun”
Yonvios - Fourth Month, Named after the Four Sentinels. Embodies the Stone element.
Quintaos - Fifth Month, Named after the Boasting Revelers. Embodies the Forge element.
Sesteros - Sixth Month, Named after the Regal Dragon. Embodies the Blaze element.
Itani (Winter)-Meaning “Dusk Returns”
Nanakai - Seventh Month, Named after the Silent Huntress. Embodies the Ash element.
Okali - Eighth Month, Named after the Wise Otter. Embodies the Cascade element.
Kyumi - Ninth Month, Named after the Defiant Eagle. Embodies the Discharge element.
When stating a date and time, you would say the hour, minute, month, day, year, and age.
16:20, Okali 19th of the 17th year of the Third Age, the Age of Blood.
The Endless Before
The era before the Collison of the Three, and Birth of the Cosmos. The Ancient Gods of Form, Time, Energy, Darkness, Void, Light, Entropy, Balance, and Order exist in unformed, infinitely large, yet infinitely small states. The Three Spheres, Karadis, Akilosis, and Oricosis (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual reality) exist separately in their embryonic form.
The Collison of the Three
The Three Spheres collide in a single moment, encompassing Form, Time, Energy, Darkness, Void, Light, Entropy, Balance, and Order in a massive eruption of existence. The Cosmos rapidly, and continuously expands from this moment on in a steady march to Encompass all that lies without.
Celestial Era
A trillion year era that begins with the creation of the first, greatest, and brightest of all stars, Diana. Diana collapses in an eruption not seen since the Collison. In this moment, Domasa, Goddess of Life and Death, and Queen of the Gods, was born. The death of Diana sent a Pulse throughout all of existence, laying the seeds for life across the entire Cosmos. Countless gods and spirits are born in this time. The three pantheon of gods, Divanica, Karan, and Berutas began to be organized as well. Star, planets, galaxies, began to form all across the ever expanding universe.
Primordial Era
A 4 billion year era that encompasses the formation of the planet of Oraspire, the beginning of life and the early beginnings of intelligence. The Guardians are created by Domasa to watch over and protect life. As intelligent species began to blossom, the Guardians were tasked with subtly guiding them towards civilization.
Aelphen Era
This is the era in which the lost Aelphen People rose to power, coming to dominate the world of Oraspire. As this era came to an end, the Aelph were about to extend their reach to the stars.
Genesis Wars Era
A catastrophic 20,000 year period of war between the Gods as Esera, the Clear Wings, and first Guardian turns against Domasa. Her rebellion unleashed hordes of demons, destroyed the lands of Oraspire, and eventually drove the Aelph to extinction, along with nearly every other living species.
The Lost Age
A 200,000 year period where the world of Oraspire slowly recovers from the Cataclysm of the Genesis Wars.
The First Age, the Age of Mergence
A 10,000 year period where the Noble Species of Oraspire began to rise from the ashes. Each of the Noble Species comes to be in this age. The end of the First Age comes with the Makerian Valley War.
The Second Age, the Age of Rize
This age was heralded by Rize’s ascension from a small city-state to the world’s first empire after the Genesis Wars. This is also known as the Makerian Rize Empire’s first golden age, as the first three emperors lead the burgeoning nation to greatness. Bronze working is mastered in this age.
The Third Age, the Age of Blood
The first true test of the Makerian Rize Empire as the Datheq Empire pushes to conquer Rize. This one hundred and three year Era ends with the fall of the Datheq. Other kingdoms and empires begin to form all over Oraspire in this time.
The Fourth Age, the Age of Horizons
This age is defined by a time of early exploration and trade with neighboring kingdoms. By the end of this age, the Makerian Rize has explored the majority of the Maiko continent. Iron working is discovered in this time.
The Fifth Age, the Age of Disgrace
The Fifth Age saw a time of crippling drought, famine, and war between the various fledgling countries. Millions died in this time across the world. The Great Sun Empire that controlled the Serapis continent collapses in this time, fracturing into hundreds of kingdoms and city-states.
The Sixth Age, the Age of Solace
This age is characterized by a time of relative peace as many tried to recover from the fires of the previous age.
The Seventh Age, the Age of Echoes
This age saw an artistic movement inspired by the old architecture and styles of the Makerian Rize. Steel working came to be understood in this time.
The Eighth Age, the Age of Dark Skies
A series of massive volcanic eruptions in Beru Vala fill the air around the world with ash and cinders. Crop yields plummeted, disease and war tear through the kingdoms of the world. Several countries collapse under the pressure, including the Vonan Republic, Onandat Hegemony, the Kormet Kingdom, and the Vanovast Conclave.
The Ninth Age, the Age of the Resolute
The Makerian Rize Empire declares war on the Huracan Confederacy after a massive scandal. Rize leads a long 75 year war and eventually adds the Huracan Desert to the empire. People slowly recover from the previous age as clear skies return. The Nasar Confederacy, and Mai-Chi Kingdom are formed in this time.
The Tenth Age, the Age of Terezerana
This 800 year age is centered around one of the greatest leaders of the Makerian Rize Empire. Terezerana serves as Empress for the longest reign of any in imperial history. Her reign saw a wave of reforms and revitalization efforts that picked up the empire from hundreds of years of decline.
The Eleventh Age, the Age of Frontiers
This age is characterized by a wave of expeditions across the world. New technologies in ship engineering enable faster and longer range voyages at sea, as well as significantly larger vessels. Many lands that were separated by oceans, or hidden in forgotten corners were discovered and connected in ways they never had been before. True intercontinental trade, and piracy, began in this time. In this time, many immigrants from Makio make their way to Serapis, and vice versa, looking for new opportunities. The Yakanu Conclave comes to power in this time, as well as the Cairne Empire and the Lakellos Sun Empire.
The Twelfth Age, the Fallen Age
From the desolate lands of Beru Vala came a demonic army summoned by the dark god worshipers, the Ashen Dynasty. The Dynasty uses this army to invade and unify the world in worship of the dark gods. For 200 years, the invasion pushes as far as the Kavel Mountains, and Corin Island before the united militaries of the world are able to push them back and defeat the Ashen Dynasty.
The Thirteenth Age, the Age of Songs
During the recovery from the Fallen Age, the Valdenna Forest province sought for independence from the Makerian Rize Empire. Emperor Intanuss II refused to allow the separation, and sent a legion to occupy the territory. This sparked a civil war that saw many separatist states break off. After 20 years, the war ended in the Treaty of Songs, officially establishing the Vintraxian Alliance, Kavel Republic, and the Huracan Collective, as well as a trade agreement between them and the Empire.
The Fourteenth Age, the Age of Silver and Wine
After years of struggle and economic catastrophe, The world of Oraspire finally enjoyed a century of relatively uninterrupted peace. Trade and cooperation between the nations reached unprecedented heights in this time. The mysterious island of Kalecu appears in this age
The Sixteenth Age, the Age of Rising
This age is heralded by the return of the Huracan Collective to the Makerian Rize Empire. After this reunification, a series of scientific and archaeological discoveries lead to an industrial revolution in the Makerian Rize Empire. This wave of new ideas and technology swept across the world, majorly shifting the balance of power as some embrace the new shift, and others reject it. In this time, the Lakellos Sun Empire begins it’s push for conquest of the entirety of Serapis. The Aioptum Empire is born, and quickly grabs power across Makio. The Vonan Kingdom rises from the ashes of the Vonan warring states, and builds a series of canals that open the Sapphire Sea to the Silver Sea for the first time in history. Firearms, Aerships, Factories, and other technology have turned the world on its head.
The Seventeenth Age, the Age of Aioptum
Though not yet an officially declared age, many believe that the Seventeenth Age has already begun as the Aioptum Empire seems set to control the course of history on Oraspire. The Makerian Rize Empire is in a desperate war with Aioptum to defend its territory, and the long-held stalemate is starting to break. This is a dangerous time in Oraspire history with unpredecented levels of casualties. Regardless of the outcome, Oraspire will never be the same.
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