Jazzy Plz
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Munster Cheese, or Munster-géromé - Week ...

Munster Cheese, or Munster-géromé - Weekly Cheesings

Jan 13, 2021

Hello and welcome!

So this will hopefully be the first of many but I had a fun idea I wanted to try out for a bit, and that's talking about cheese. I am by no means a blog writer but I wanna try my hand at writing up cheese posts for funsies as it's something I'm well versed in!

This week's cheese is Munster! Now some of you in America may be familiar with the following "muenster" cheese! This one is a bit different from our more fragrant pal Munster. The following is what's called an 'American Munster" due to the fact it is, an imitation! It has a similar process of washing the rind but it is not aged for NEARLY as long. It also differs in that it is pasteurized! It is by no means a bad cheese but it is not the center of this particular discussion! It is a fantastic cheese in its own right!


Now, let's talk about the star here today. Munster is a French cheese, sometimes also known as Chaumes due to its place of origin. This cheese is what's known as a washed rind cheese which means that it is bathed in some sort of brine or alcohol. Usually the cheeses are kept in cellars under strict conditions. This cheese is also a raw milk cheese, meaning it isn't pasteurized. Most cheese folks will know it can be difficult to get raw milk cheese in the US due to some of the laws we have in place but you can still find Munster around!
image This cheese finds it's history in monasteries, a lot of washed rinds tend to, due to its meaty savory taste! The process of making a washed rind tends to make the flavor similar in use to meat. Many of the religious monasteries forbade eating meat so they would come up with other ways to enrich their diets. I admit I don't have a lot of the details on the who's ands where's but it's still fun to talk about!

This gorgeous beauty pairs very well with white wines, specifically Rieslings and Gewurztraminer wines. It very much enjoys the company of breads and baked potatoes (or jacket potatoes in the EU!). It's a fantastic snack cheese and with it's gooey sticky texture clings wonderfully to most breads!

I hope you enjoyed my little summary! Stay tuned for future posts about cheeses!

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