Still a bit sporadic on these aren't I... The main shop page is now updated with all the recent drawings, and I've chucked a couple of recent projects in the gallery. One is the cover art for an upcoming Molotov Milkshake album and the other is cover art for my own project, which segues nicely into me spamming that. It's just over half an hour of minimal ambient/noise made with the pedals on the P...
Apr 05, 2024
Hello everyone, It's well past time I put up a post on here, firstly to say a massive thanks to everyone who chucked some money in when I first put this up - it made a huge difference and meant I could keep afloat and push it into projects and gigs which means it's kind of got redistributed across other people's creative endeavours as well as keeping me going. Also, I should just generally be keep...
Hello and thanks
Mar 03, 2024