My Gamer tag is JBRider. I'm a small content creator from Suriname. That is a very small country in south America between the two Guyana's. I love playing video games and I'm trying to make my hobby into a job so i can earn a little on the side but as you all know thing don't go as smooth as you want it. My country is in a very deep financial crisis and trying live under these circumstances is very depressing. I am a single dad and trying give my son the best that I can do. My Dream is to move to Canada to get a better life for me and my son.
Recent supporters

Beard O'Bald bought 3 coffees.
Great videos man! Keep on doing! (Helicopters pleeaaaase))))

Riley bought a coffee.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day

GyrGyl bought a coffee.
I always enjoy the videos. Thanks!

Captain Banks bought a coffee.
Been a long time viewer and we have met a few times in the wasteland. I appreciate what you do for the Crossout community and keep up the amazing work. See you in game.

GyrGyl bought 5 coffees.
You da man! 👍 👊