Cinetrii is a service aimed at film enthusiasts who want to understand the context of the films that they love. Directors and screenwriters might take inspiration from works that have come before - Cinetrii tries to trace this lineage. The algorithm analyzes written reviews by film critics, seeks out references to other works and tries to rank the connections on relevance.
Articles covering Cinetrii:
Lifehacker, Fandor, Mentalfloss,
If you find the service useful, consider contributing to help pay server costs and to keep Cinetrii updated with new releases.
Recent supporters
Vince bought 7 coffees.
I didn’t realized how important the site was to me until it went offline for a few days!
Someone bought a coffee.
Keep up the good work, Nils !
Jamie Houston bought a coffee.
LESLEA CLEMENTS bought a coffee.
Michael Daines bought a coffee.