The Kindest Rejection Letters

The Kindest Rejection Letters

Feb 03, 2022

A little bit of kindness goes a long way in every area of life. Do not be fooled by thinking that job hunting is not one of them. A typical job seeker sends out between 5 to 10 job applications every day. And this process takes a lot of time and effort. Think about writing 5 to 10 individualized essays every day! It's almost a full-time job without any compensation. And the saddest thing happens when an applicant does not receive any reply at all! Imagine the magnitude of the mental breakdown closing in on the applicant.

I have a lot of respect for employers who take the time to communicate the outcome of their applications to the job applicants. And I appreciate even further those who go the extra mile and make the applicant feel better about themselves even in the case of a negative outcome.

Below I shared two of my favorite rejection letters. I do not care if they are automated. I have no way to tell if they are. What I know is I felt encouraged when I read these emails.

How will you make people around you feel today? Choose wisely :)

Thank you!

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