About Red Gregory

IT ALL STARTED IN 1994 👶 My real name is Sarah but you can call me Red. Writer, illustrator and tech nerd.
As for redgregory.com, I'm learning how to use notion.so as much as anyone else. The app is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. I don't want to come off as an "expert” 🤷♀️. I just want to share cool things I'm making on the app with straight forward explanations, formulas and databases to copy into the reader's own dashboard.
It's becoming a full-time job (I update every day) and I've stumbled into this intense schedule rather naturally. I love what I'm doing here and the addition of some ambitious Notion projects.
I want to give a big thanks to all my supporters and to those who've been cheerleaders for my content on social media. Every one of you have been a special part of my creativity and motivation to keep sharing notion tips. Seriously! Creating these templates have been a great source of happiness. Although the template are free, because of your viewership and generosity, I'm proud to say this little...
A Thank You From Red Gregory
Apr 29, 2021