Nice to meet you,
My name is Dr_AtsiSama on the internet. I am a french developer interested in many fields and possible creations. I spend a lot of time to be interested in what it is or what it could be before launching me in projects which I like very much, various projects will have perhaps or not attracted your curiosity who knows ^^.
My goal is to share my vision of things and to learn as much as possible so that we can all have fun together ~.
To you who took the time to listen to what I had to say and share, as well as to you who eventually want to support me I thank you very much, the idea of being able to share what I am passionate about is a pleasure without a name. The support will be transformed into encouragement and help to finalize projects like the one I have at the moment to realize a public bot Discord that will be called Danaë and to be able to assure her of what to host and of a prosperous future...
Once again I thank you every support whatever its nature or its form is the most beautiful thing that one can offer to his neighbor.
Good discovery and good fun!
Recent supporters

Ahri Légende Immortalisée bought a coffee.

Someone bought 3 coffees.