Recent supporters

craftsunemiku bought 10 coffees.
I'm a big fan of your classes mod! I've put about 20 hours into it with some friends and would love to provide feedback if you're interested:
my discord id is notgaige
If you don't want my 5 paragraph essay then I'll just say, you should consider taking one of brutes strengths away and sharing it with another class. Ex. Making another class that is very good at carrying and brute only like 10-20% better.
I feel brute currently has the top 3 positive effects out of all classes (more hp, double damage, and encumbrance resistance), so my group has taken to running multiple brutes and a researcher.
Either way, your mod is easily one of my favorites, keep up the good work!!
Thank you! It's been a joy to work on. The next update (v0.1.4) will actually align with that feedback perfectly. If you aren't already on the discord thread for it (in the LC modding server), you should take a look. People put suggestions and ideas there all the time and I post roadmaps/progress reports.[] (I couldn't figure out newlines on buymeacoffee)