BumbleBee Radio Stickers are Here!

BumbleBee Radio Stickers are Here!

Nov 03, 2021

I am very pleased and excited to announce the arrival of BumbleBee Radio stickers! These are high-quality four-inch vinyl stickers you can put on your car, guitar case, refrigerator, random street signs, or the inside of subway stations (though in the the case of those last two I will deny any responsibility if you're caught doing that.) I wish there was still the revolving door at the former Tower Records on Mass Ave to put one of these on (the inside of that door was Boston music history in stickers!)

So here's the deal... For every $5 you donate to BumbleBee Radio on Buy Me a Coffee you get a sticker. Donate $25, get FIVE stickers. Donate $100 and 20-stickers are heading your way! This is just the first in a number of ways I'm saying "Thank You" for supporting creative, independent, alternative radio!

For those of you who have previously donated here on Buy Me a Coffee, please message me with your snail mail address and I will get the appropriate number of stickers in the mail to you! As always, thank you for listening to BumbleBee Radio! -Kristen Eck


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1 comment
Jan 19, 2023
Loving BBR!