Rosette Nebula

Rosette Nebula

Jan 14, 2021

First post here on Buy Me a Coffee! This has certainly been a challenging winter. However the clouds broke for a few hours (first time in months) and I managed a couple hours on the Rosette nebula with the RASA 8. Shot in monochrome using the

This image is in false color as I am still waiting on the arrival of my and starizona filter adapter drawer.

Total integration time of about an hour, processed in

+20 lights
+20 darks

You can create a similar image by adjusting the mode in Adobe photoshop (or your imaging editing software of choice) from black and white to RGB then modifying the colors for three copies of the original layer to red, green and blue. Copy each corresponding layer into the correct color channel. I used a copy of the original mono shot as a luminance layer.

Much more to come, until next time clear skies!

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