Help a Brazilian Orchestra

Help a Brazilian Orchestra

Nov 25, 2021
Hi, I'm Maestro Rafael Pires, I live right in the center of Brazil. I was the founder of Associação Mozart Brasil and also of the Symphonic Choir of Anápolis. For 5 years I have been looking for a personal dream of helping other musicians to develop professionally and financially. We live in a country with a bad social condition, and with a huge devaluation of culture in general, for 5 years I have been looking for support from companies or entrepreneurs and they are not interested in helping our cause. I have an orchestra of 30 musicians who play for free at some events to get people's attention. These musicians are already professionals, but it's only fair that they receive a grant so that the orchestra's events start to make a profit, but we need an initial investment that no one here can help. So I ask for your help, if you help, send your email and we will send the rendering of accounts, photos and videos. We have a team at the association made up of Lawyers and Accountants who want to help in some way and do this through their work.
We need to raise exact $53.924,83 so that the orchestra can support itself for a year and do events so it can support itself.
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