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Work From Home Mental Health & Wellness

Work From Home Mental Health & Wellness

Apr 25, 2023

Work From Home Mental Health & Wellness

The beginning of everything nowadays appears to be the condition of our mental health and well-being. What can be done to help yourself grow in this digital shared economy? 

For someone like me who often stands at the intersection of many different, unique, and challenging complexities in life. It is important to prioritize mental wellness while working from home by regularly checking in with myself daily. At the core of my well-being, I am arrested with the burden to monitor blood sugar, eat right, stay hydrated, and most important think positively — no matter what as this ensures my chances of optimal functioning on any given day.

Doing these things daily until well my life ends or a cure for my condition is discovered is not just another task or to-do list, but rather a daily necessity. I begin and end each day, taking the brave step of looking at myself in a mirror meeting my own gaze allowing helpful thoughts only to guard me against the hurt. I believe now and know without a doubt that enemy spirits have and always will continue to throw fiery darts and arrows. One way I counter-attack is as soon as I wake up I ask myself this simple question, “How are you feeling today?”

image Listen and Support My Podcast Musings While Working From Home!

When I do a self-assessment or “pulse-check” of my mental and emotional state, I often look for physical cues that indicate how I’m feeling. I observe:

  • How vibrant my eyes are

  • The glowiness of my skin before and after applying makeup

  • Whether I’m sitting up straight or slouching

  • Any tension or pain in my body and where it’s located

By paying attention to these physical indicators, I gain insight into how my mental and emotional state is impacting my physical well-being. This awareness helps me make necessary adjustments to support my overall health and well-being.

image AnaUX — A Black Woman Who Works From Home, Fighting for a Better Quality of Life in Health & Wellness

image AI certainly knows how to make a gal feel bright and beautiful!

As I move through my thoughts, I give my full attention to my breathing, making sure to take deep inhales from my belly instead of my chest. I remember reading somewhere that incorrect breathing can lead to trapped air in the chest, causing tension and stress in the body. Taking a pause at this moment to reflect on my mental, spiritual, and emotional state is the first step toward alignment. This practice allows me to connect emotionally with the work-from-home life I want to live, rather than settling for what is happening beyond my control. It is up to me to decide how I want to spend these moments and how I choose to respond to work-life challenges.

Today, I choose to respond to every moment with presence, poise, purpose, and a warm smile.

If you’ve read this far, then you are a rare find. I would like to extend an invitation to join me in a continuous effort to build a community of Work From Home Wellness Life-Stars. What do we do you ask? Well, we go hard to align with one another supporting all forms of monetizing each other's voices and efforts in this digital shared economy. If your answer is yes, then smile with me.

If you’ve read this far, I want to express my gratitude to you. You didn’t have to be here, but you chose to stay and connect with me. Your eyes and mind could have been focused anywhere else in the world, but you chose to be here to support and stay connected. For that, I am grateful.

I wish you all the best in your mental health and wellness journey while working from home.

Stay Blessed amd Never Settle in the Stress…


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