Alameda - California - ∆ 1853 AD

Alameda - California - ∆ 1853 AD

Jan 30, 2025

The Background Story:


Alameda is a city in Alameda County, California, United States, located in the East Bay region of the Bay Area.

The city is built on an informal archipelago in the San Francisco Bay, consisting of Alameda Island, Bay Farm Island and Coast Guard Island, along with other smaller islands.

Alameda and much of the East Bay was part of Rancho San Antonio, granted to the Peralta family in 1820.

Alameda occupies what was originally a peninsula connected to Oakland.

Much of it was low-lying and marshy.

The higher ground nearby and adjacent parts of what is now downtown Oakland were the site of one of the largest coastal oak forests in the world.

Spanish colonists called the area Encinal, meaning "forest of evergreen oak".

Alameda is Spanish for "grove of poplar trees" or "tree-lined avenue".

It was chosen as the name of the city in 1853 by popular vote.

The inhabitants at the time of the arrival of the Spanish in the late 18th century were a local band of the Ohlone tribe.

The peninsula was included in the vast Rancho San Antonio granted in 1820 to Luis Peralta by the Spanish King who claimed California.

The grant was later confirmed by the Republic of Mexico upon its independence in 1821 from Spain.

Over time, the place became known as Bolsa de Encinal or Encinal de San Antonio.

The city was founded on June 6, 1853, after the United States acquired California following the Mexican–American War of 1848.

In his autobiography, writer Mark Twain described Alameda as "The Garden of California."

The first post office opened in 1854.

The first school, Schermerhorn School, was opened in 1855 - and eventually renamed as Lincoln School.

The San Francisco and Alameda Railroad opened the Encinal station in 1864.

On September 6, 1869, the Alameda Terminal made history:

It was the site of the arrival of the first train via the First transcontinental railroad to reach the shores of San Francisco Bay, thus achieving the first coast to coast transcontinental railroad in North America.

The Croll Building, on the corner of Webster Street and Central Avenue, was the site of Croll's Gardens and Hotel, used as training quarters for some of the most popular fighters in boxing from 1883 to 1914.

Jack Johnson and several other champions all stayed and trained here.

The need for expanded shipping facilities and increased flow of current through the estuary led to the dredging of a tidal canal through the marshland between Oakland and Alameda.

Construction started in 1874, but it was not completed until 1902, resulting in Alameda becoming an island.

In 1917, a private entertainment park called Neptune Beach was built in the area now known as Crab Cove, which became a major recreation destination in the 1920s and 1930s.

Both the American snow cone and the popsicle were first sold at Neptune Beach.

The park closed down in 1939.

The Alameda Works Shipyard was one of the largest and best-equipped shipyards in the country.

Together with other industrial facilities, it became part of the defense industry buildup before and during World War II, which attracted many migrants from other parts of the United States for the high-paying jobs.

In the early 21st century, the Port of Oakland, across the estuary, has become one of the largest ports on the West Coast.

Its operators use shipping technologies originally experimented within Alameda.

As of March 21, 2006, Alameda became a "Coast Guard City", one of seven designated in the country.

Flag - Alameda

Seal - Alameda

Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark.

— Theodore Parker (1810 - 1860)

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