Hey Queens & Kings,
Today’s episode we are discussing this 11/11 Portal Energy and all of the juicy energy that comes with this time. So what is all of this talk about 11/11 and what makes it such a great time for us? Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up!
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Discussion topics:
Numerology and the number 11
11/11 the portal for new beginnings
11/11 presents us with the opportunity to stretch this human experience
Be hyper aware of what comes up or into your life on this date
Thoughts manifest into things
Things you might want to do on 11/11 to tap into the energy
...and more
Pull up a chair, go run your errands, grab a drink or whatever it is you do while you are tuning in, do that so we can get into this discussion!
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