Don't Sell Yourself Short

Don't Sell Yourself Short

Sep 01, 2021

It's interesting that we can find ourselves being pulled in every direction because someone else has an opinion and we listen to that instead of what's inside our spirit. Why does it seem that the opinion of others has more power over what we decide to do instead of being true to ourselves? One thing we run into is that it's the comfort of being part of a tribe or group, as during the caveman days getting thrown out of the tribe resulted in ultimate death. What danger do we face today if we don't belong to a certain tribe or we plant the flag of potentially being on our own island?

Do yourself a favor and ask what have you given up because you were chasing the validation of others or you second guessed your idea because "who is going to listen to what I have to say or accept the idea burning inside my soul"? Understand that what is inside you idea or content wise is there for a reason and you possess the tools necessary to connect and build your own tribe. You don't need everyone to be part of your tribe, as a couple to start with helps create the growth to expand and reach more with the idea or content you're creating.

Take the time to think about the following-Love what you do so much that you feel you're doing the world a disservice if they don't get it.

Who are you missing out on impacting and providing your gift that someone else needs? Understand that you have a gift that is meant to be shared with others and as a gift goes, is meant to be given to someone else.

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