There Are Two Men In Each One Of Us:
The scientist, he who starts with a clear field and desires to rise to the knowledge of Nature through observations, experimentation and reasoning.
And the man of sentiment, the man of belief, the man who mourns his dead children, and who cannot, alas, prove that he will see them again, but who believes that he will, and lives in the hope – the man who will not die like a vibrio, but who feels that the force that is within him cannot die.
French Chemist, Pharmacist and Microbiologist (1822 - 1895)
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
- Aristotle
Thank you for your support of Through the Looking Glass and for being a patron of science and the arts.
Best wishes!
“Only art and science make us suspect the existence of life to a higher level, and maybe also instill hope thereof.”
~ Ludwig van Beethoven
Photo: © Wolf Ademeit @ fair use