Zoom Classes!

Zoom Classes!

Jul 23, 2022

There is a peony farm directly behind us, which I have been enchanted by since arriving. I can smell them as I walk through the forest, it's truly sublime. Last week, we were walking the backside of the land when we discovered the Most bizarre magical thing I have ever seen--- a mountain of discarded peonies. Most of them were still in vibrant condition, so we immediately set to rescue as many as possible.

(Sidenote: we have never seen anyone on the farm, No one lives there. No, we cannot walk on to their land and leave a note, this is Alaska "Don't get shot" is something I am warned as I head out exploring places)

This cart holds roughly 50lbs. I could have loaded it 20 more times, but we took what we could process. I went into madscientist mode. My inner medicine woman took over and the deepest, clearest communication I have ever received from a plant began. I spend hours every day with these plants. Petals have been scattered all over this property. I decorated my labyrinth. Made 30+ the most luminous bouquets, perched in every possible place of the house. I have been bathing in thousands of dollars of petals, an act of decadence I would have never fathomed.

The Peony holds the highest Yin energy of any plant. They are the embodiment of the sacred feminine. The plant world is calling for us to embody our sacredness--- to initiate a rewinding. She has gifted me this sacred wisdom to pass on.

I will be offering a class on Sundays from 8:00-930pm on Zoom: "Claiming Ferality"

The first class is free, this Sunday 7/24, and if you are interested in participating, there will be 5 additional sessions, the fee is $55. We will be working with Rose, Peony and Fireweed, three abundant flowers on this land that offered their magic and medicine, taking part in ceremony, crafting and creating things to embody our Sacred Ferality.

Email: [email protected] for registration information.

(Please note: This is the only place I am able to respond to registration)

Link to Sunday's free class:

Passcode: 425962


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