todo2 - announcement

todo2 - announcement

Sep 22, 2023

Okay, there is a potential bug here?, hmm, just write a TODO comment and fix it later........ after two years, oh what's this comment for? I don't remember maybe just delete it.

This scenario must happen to all of us at least once in our careers, and we all know that later never comes, at least if our boss doesn't track the TODO comments :)

Introducing todo2 - A better todo! macro inspired by searls/todo_or_die

This crate provides a better todo! macro, which allows you to specify the deadline and the conditions when the code should be implemented.

and when the condition or the deadline is met, the code will panic or emit a compile error, or just log an error.

I know the name isn't that cool, but we all know that naming is hard especially when comes to trying to find a cool one that isn't reserved on

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