SOMETIMES we just need a guide to help us reflect on the bible readings. If you're following the lectionary, this FREE worksheet for this Sunday's readings can help give an overall idea and questions for the bible verses for the 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Year C, Lectionary 135).
Worksheet for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Sep 18, 2022
164 Visualizaciones
Can we respond as faithful stewards to God's call to repent? We can no longer squander God's gifts, people and creation with our idolatry of power and money. We must begin living for God and our afterlife. Hear from 27+ Christian voices as they reflect on this Sunday's scripture readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, lectionary 135).
27+ reflections for Sunday Mass (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Sep 18, 2022
345 Visualizaciones
For those looking for a FREE worksheet for this Sunday's readings see link below for a one-pager to reflect on the bible verses for the 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Year C, Lectionary 132). #worksheets #catholic #OrdinaryTime #sundaymass #church
Worksheet for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Sep 11, 2022
162 Visualizaciones