Donateurs récents

scatteredbanter a acheté 3 coffees .
We love your podcasts. They are part of our morning routine when getting ready for work. Thanks for making us laugh daily!
XOXO Tessa and Arend

Michele and Chef John a acheté 3 coffees .
Happy St. Patrick's Day Jonesy! Wanted to buy you a coffee and then you throw in a shot of Jameson for good luck. And also tell you a weird story of this holiday and something I've seen. I lived in Syracuse, NY for a time and there's an Irish neighborhood called Tipperary Hill where you will find the only working upside down traffic light in the country. The green is on top, and red on bottom, and I passed through it with some friends a long time ago and saw it myself on the way back from a bar. The reason for the light in the Irish neighborhood was that it was Irish Green over English Red. That's the story. Erin Go Bragh(less).

OnyxCyanide a acheté 15 coffees .
Hey there Jonsey, hope you've been doing well - really nice that you hung out with Jay Leno!
Hey thanks again for hanging out with me and my brothers that one time in Vegas, that meant a lot and honestly I can spend more time with you next time.
Also, don't worry about aspiring to be the awesome guy like Jay Leno by hanging out freely with the fans and people - we can vouch that you already are and that both of you are those awesome people to be with us.
Have some coffees on us and stay safe!
Josh G and Bros from Vegas

Liisa from Finland a acheté 3 coffees .
Hey, I just got fired, so I figured I'd send you some coffee now before I run out of money. Wish me luck in my job hunt, and that I don't end up putting superglue, hydrogen peroxide or nicotine liquid in my eyes before interviews. :D
Love from Finland. We love everybody. Almost as much as the Canadians.

Adam Mobley a acheté 3 coffees .
Hey Jonsey I won't lie and tell you it'll be alright In these uncertain time's. Were people seemley lost there value, and our filthy rich leader's have turned to the darkside, It's only to get worse perhaps.. So here's what I speak unto you dear and awesome Jonsey go on you're
blessed way and obtain God's miracle elixir Beer!, and a bottle of liquid Xanax aka Irish-Wiskey! Cheap or pricey it'll do to cure what ails you and dry up those tears and make your balls drop Joney. For when in the face of oblivion God a bottle, and some beers are a man's best friend. And no I'm not Irish, nor Jesus affiliated. Loved your Show for many years, Good luck with your life Man!