Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta $5 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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Apoya mensualmente y sé parte del viaje creativo de Emilia Jade Smith. Cancela en cualquier momento.
0.5% of $999
I need a new MacBook Air that won't die after twenty minutes. I mean, how cool would it be to actually take it with me and use it in a hipster coffee ... Ver más
Acerca de Emilia Jade Smith
Writer / Hopeless Dreamer
I'm sharing my mental health journey paired with a healthy amount of dark humor. I try not to laugh at my own jokes but we all know I'm hilarious 😛
Thank you for buying me a coffee. You will be forever loved!
Seguidores recientes
Flutterby from Medium ha comprado un coffee .
Thank you for being brave enough to share your journey and inspire others. You Rock!
Oh my, you don’t even know how much this means to me. For real. Made my day. My week. No, my month! Thank you SO much. Bless your heart❤️