Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta $5 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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The Somewhere in the Skies podcast and YouTube channel provides a ton of FREE content. But none of it is free to create. So any and all donations are greatly appreciated to help us continue our work, somewhere in the skies!
Seguidores recientes
Monika Nicole Haaf ha comprado un coffee .
Hey Ryan, I really appreciate your show. Your style of reporting, passion and your genuineness is refreshing. Truly amazing work!
That is so incredible kind of you. Thank you so much for the support!
Someone ha comprado 10 coffees .
Leanne ha comprado un coffee .
You’re among the best at reporting this to us, always genuine.
Thank you so much for your donation. It is beyond appreciated. Keep looking up! Warmest regards, Ryan
Laura E ha comprado 3 coffees .
For the Pasadena Humane Society. Thank you Ryan for doing this!
Thank you so much for your donation. It is beyond appreciated. Keep looking up! Warmest regards, Ryan
Someone ha comprado un coffee .
Thank you so much for your donation. It is beyond appreciated. Keep looking up! Warmest regards, Ryan