Recent supporters

Charles Randoulph Tidwell, Jr. bought 3 coffees.
You are the only source of true information about the plight of the average Russian population. I admire your courage and honesty. You are a citizen of the free world, and your stories and presentations are the only truth we Americans hear about the people of Russia and how they are living. Keep presenting these stories to keep us informed so we can accuse our politicians of hiding the real truth from us. I do what I can to bring attention to the forces that are working against Putin within Russia. These are economic forces that Putin cannot control, he can only try and mitigate and lie about. Keep speaking the truth, the truth is invaluable in these days. May God keep you and your family safe and sustain you in this work you do.

Carol bought 5 coffees.
Konstantin, thank you for educating all of us who are paying attention to the way your country is being completely brought down. My deepest sympathy for Russia's savage plundering, and for the peoples' pain and suffering. My prayer is that God will give them strength to fight back. In my mind, the US may follow Putin's example if Americans do not speak out loud and clear and NOW! while they can! Time is of the essence, my fellow Americans. Make videos of your own groups speaking truth to power like these brave Russian citizens did!
I stand with goodness and love and freedom for all the people of the world.
God Bless you, Sir.

manu bought 3 coffees.

Amelia Gorsuch bought a coffee.

Someone bought 3 coffees.
Great economic summary!