#89 A business perspective on Ukraine. W ...

#89 A business perspective on Ukraine. What does ELEKS do?

Aug 22, 2023

Today we opened doors to ELEKS – Ukrainian IT company which started its business activities in 1991. Since that time ELEKS opened 15 offices in various countries and keeps on growing. ELEKS is already in Japan and explores Latin America.

Turn on the speakers and get familiar with 89th episode of Good Morning BSS World podcast with another business perspective on Ukraine. Find out who is and what does ELEKS do? Special guest of this episode is Ruslan Seredyuk - Chief Engineering Officer in ELEKS.

As usual, we have also done a quick review of what is going on in general in Ukrainian IT industry.

“A business perspective on Ukraine” podcast series is created in Partnership with IT Ukraine Association - https://itukraine.org.ua/en/




Useful links:

ELEKS web page – https://eleks.com/

Ruslan Seredyuk on Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/rseredyuk/

ELEKS on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/eleks/

ELEKS’ blog - https://eleks.com/blog/



My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

If you want to learn more about me, please visit my social media channels:

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