#70 Meaning from Work vs. Meaningful Wor ...

#70 Meaning from Work vs. Meaningful Work

Nov 04, 2022

Did you ever think what is the meaning of work? Well, so far I thought I do have a full understanding of what the work mean to me, but when I talked to Ted and Brian from 5th Talent my approach to meaning from work, meaning at work and finally meaningful work has changed.

I met both gentlemen during CX Outsourcers event in Las Vegas in the mod of September 2022. Both had a great presentation over there, where they focused on the latest Contact Center Agent insights, based on 5th Talent’s deep surveys. I must say I did enjoy Ted’s and Brian’s presentation so much, that I wanted to have them as guests of Good Morning BSS World podcast.

And here the are!

Ted from Florida and Brian from Colorado on Good Morning BSS World podcast share their thoughts concerning:

·         What Separates Top Companies

·         The Leadership Challenge

·         A little bit of Quiet Quitting

·         And Types of Work-Related Meaning

They put against each other Meaning from Work vs. Meaningful Work and share the results of their surveys they run all over the World.

Ted Nardin and Brian Kearney are from 5th Talent – the company whose solutions are enabling employees to find meaning in serving others, resulting in lower turnover and higher customer satisfaction.

I enjoyed our chat and I hope you will as well, as I am sure Ted and Brian will be back to Good Morning BSS World sooner or later … but I have a feeling that rather sooner!

 Watch our talk:

Listen to our talk:

Useful links:

5th Talent web page - https://www.5thtalent.com/

Ted Nardin on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tnardin/

Brian Kearney on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/briankearney-meaningfulwork/



My name is Wiktor Doktór and I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

If you want to learn more about me, please visit my social media channels:

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