#115 Cultural Nuances in GBS: Lessons fr ...

#115 Cultural Nuances in GBS: Lessons from LATAM and Europe

Jan 20, 2025

In 115th episode of Good Morning BSS World podcast, I sit down with Christian Soto, Process Manager at Clariant GBS, to explore the unique dynamics of working across cultures in the Global Business Services (GBS) industry. Christian, a seasoned professional originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, shares his journey of transitioning from a leadership role in Latin America to managing multicultural teams in Poland, marking his fifth year in Europe.

This episode dives deep into the nuances of cultural differences between the LATAM and European regions, exploring how these variations shape communication styles, management approaches, and organizational structures. From initial cultural shocks—like Poland’s dark winter days—to adapting leadership styles for diverse teams, Christian’s experiences highlight the challenges and rewards of working in a global environment.

Discover insights into recruitment and onboarding practices, differences in employee loyalty, and the significance of situational leadership when managing teams with diverse cultural backgrounds. Christian also offers a comparative perspective on employee benefits and workplace dynamics, emphasizing Poland's advantages in healthcare and safety.

Whether you’re an expat, a GBS professional, or simply intrigued by cultural diversity in the workplace, this episode offers valuable takeaways about fostering collaboration, adaptability, and innovation in a multicultural setting.

Tune in to hear Christian’s reflections, challenges, and advice on thriving in the ever-evolving GBS world.


Key points of the talk:

-          Cultural differences significantly impact management styles, with Latin America favoring a more directive approach and Europe leaning towards a democratic style.

-          Recruitment processes in Poland are more challenging due to the specific skill sets and languages required, compared to the larger pool of candidates available in Mexico.

-          Polish employees typically prefer a clear separation between work and personal life, whereas in Mexico, after-hours gatherings with colleagues are more common and help foster professional relationships.





Christian Soto on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-soto-/

Talk to AI about this episode - https://gmbw.onpodcastai.com/episodes/2Q27MSjfvTH/chat




My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

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