#113 How to execute sales properly?

#113 How to execute sales properly?

Dec 19, 2024

Welcome to the 113th episode of Good Morning BSS World! In this episode, I am joined by Charles Forsgard for an insightful discussion about sales strategies and management techniques that drive success in today’s dynamic business environment.

Together, we explore the key principles of sales planning, focusing on how to balance short-term wins with long-term objectives to achieve sustainable growth. Drawing from the thought-provoking insights of Stop Kidding Yourself, this episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to elevate their skills and outcomes.

One of the highlights of our conversation is Socratic Coaching, an innovative approach to improving sales performance. Charles and I also dive into the transformative role of AI in sales leadership, uncovering how technology is reshaping the way we strategize and manage sales teams.

By tuning in, you’ll gain actionable knowledge on optimizing sales processes, enhancing leadership skills, and leveraging AI to achieve better results. We wrap up the episode with contact information for those interested in continuing the conversation, along with my closing remarks.

Stay inspired, stay strategic, and enjoy this enriching episode of Good Morning BSS World!


Key points of the podcast:

-          Many companies struggle with proactive sales strategies, as most salespeople remain in reactive modes rather than creating demand where none existed before.

-          Effective sales management has shifted towards extensive reporting and data analysis, often at the expense of valuable coaching time that can significantly improve sales team performance.

-          Sales planning should encompass both short-term and long-term strategies, with a rolling 12-month plan to ensure proactive and strategic client engagement, rather than merely reacting to immediate demands.




Charles Forsgard on Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesforsgard/

Stop Kidding Yourself book – https://www.amazon.com/Stop-Kidding-Yourself-managing-salespeople/dp/0999427717

Talk about this episode to AI – https://gmbw.onpodcastai.com/episodes/u5R2TdYV1ny/chat





My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

If you want to learn more about me, please visit my social media channels:

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You can also write to me. My email address is - kontakt(@) wiktordoktor.pl




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