I'm slinking back in to say hello. Hi. Life got a little chaotic for a while and I slacked off writing, but I am still progressing...slowly...on Big Bobby Ray. The story has taken a bit of turn. Mo major changes to the relationship, but the outside influences just weren't working. it took a while for me to center in on the problem, but I finally figured out that I was trying to make a character ni...
Back in the Saddle
Feb 18, 2023
Wow. It's already May. The last few years have been a blur, haven't they? This year has been particularly busy for me in non-writing ways. Kid2 moved into an apartment across town, Kid1 and I moved into a smaller place (and it was a terrible experience), and I just took an unplanned, last-minute, and rushed trip to see Kid3 in their place up North. It was a long drive, but worth it to see my baby....
May Already?
May 02, 2022
March is here and I'm panicking a little. Maybe a lottle. I have to vacate my apartment in two weeks and I'm not ready. I have too much stuff. I don't have enough hands. My current apartment needs deep cleaned in ways I'm not sure I'm able. I really don't want to move. If that was all I needed to do, it would be too much, but I'm also still job hunting. Working on edit jobs. Juggling cats. Don't u...
March On!
Mar 01, 2022