Victoria T
19 прихильники(ів)


Apr 26, 2024

sometimes.............i get told i'm too idealistic.  or too sensitive.  but i feel these traits are what have allowed me to have the following thoughts throughout my experience.  sometimes.

sometimes, when i see people living in tents along the riverbanks or in the parks, i pause, reflect on their experience and the desire to give them a home is big.

sometimes, when i see someone on social media or on the television losing their job, their home, their health, i want to write them a check - give them whatever it is they need to help.

along those lines, sometimes i fantasize - and pray - for financial wealth so i can write out checks to anyone in need - whatever the amount is.  

sometimes, when the skies clear, the clouds form into perfect fluffy balls, the temperature reaches that magical number of 72, i want the power to bottle it up and save it for those cloudy, cold days.

sometimes, when a friend or loved one reaches out to me, crying, in some sort of pain, i want to take it all from them and send it out to the Universe where it can be turned into something beautiful.  

along those lines, sometimes i want the ability to heal anyone in need of any ailment.  sometimes it hits hard, like when i learned a dear friend i have known since high school was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer.  (he's still here.  and i like to think, sometimes, my advice, which he took, is keeping him around.)

sometimes when i hear others say, "this can't be done", i ask "why not?"  and sometimes when i'm told "codes, rules, regulations don't allow for it" i respond back "how do we change that?"

sometimes, in the quiet of the night, i will smile and feel, in my body, gratitude for what i have and who i am.

and sometimes, during those quiet moments, i will cry with frustration over my challenges and how limited and unworthy i feel.  sometimes.

sometimes i have useful things to say worth hearing. 

sometimes not.

but always - ALWAYS - like i have done since i could speak and hold a pen - do i put out my idea's thoughts and feelings to the world - hoping to change or open just one mind, just one heart.

because sometimes, that's all that is needed to make this reality a kinder, gentler place.

thank you for reading.  


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